性骚扰 & 攻击的预防 & 教育
Framingham State University seeks to 形状 a campus environment free from all forms of 性暴力 and intimate partner violence. All members of our community deserve to be treated with respect and dignity and to be able to go to work, 接受教育, 访问, and otherwise participate in life at the University without fear or harm.
当性骚扰, 性暴力, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 或者跟踪发生, 它深深伤害了我们整个社区. 因此, we are committed to creating and sustaining a culture of prevention and education, 期望明确的地方, 报告过程易于导航, 资源随时可用, and perpetrators are held accountable for their actions.
The 形状 website has been created and designed to serve as a central source of information for prevention and education of sexual harassment, 性暴力, 暴力的关系, and stalking including as it relates to 第九条, 校园拯救法案, 克莱利法案, 及大学政策.
Please explore this site to learn more about our policies, how to identify and respond to problematic language or behavior, 如何报告关注事项, resources accessible to members of the Framingham State community, 以及其他有用的信息.
Through the ongoing dedication of many people in our community, we will continue to offer and expand educational opportunities and resources for students and employees. We will continue to support all members of our community and promote a culture where sexual harassment and violence are not tolerated. 但我们不能孤立地做这件事. We need your participation, feedback, ideas, and commitment. You might begin by reviewing bystander intervention techniques or learning how to support a survivor of 性暴力. My door is always open for you to share your ideas or concerns.
Each of us has the power to 形状 our community. 你要怎么做??
金正日R. 德克斯特
按照M的要求.G.L. c. 6, § 168D (e), Framingham State University conducts Sexual Misconduct Surveys at least once every four years and publicly posts the survey findings.
2023 形状性暴力调查结果